Thursday, May 17, 2012

There is a good reason for self publishing my own books. In a world where the tight economy exists, I have to make every penny count.  I do not have money to print off copies of my baby and pay to mail them to an agent.  I do not have the time to waste sending a file of my book and have it sit in an editor’s e-box for months. I need to make money now, now five months from now. I need to pay bills and support my children.

My reasons for self-publishing my own books may be different from yours. Really though behind every one who goes this route, the bottom line is we all want money sooner.  I write it is my job first, sure, there are some things I enjoy writing more than others. However, money is always the bottom line here. I write to pay the bills and live.   

My fiction books are my passion. I love to write fiction. There are no agents banging on my door, so self publishing my books is my way of finding them.  I have been watching so indie authors and they gave up on the agent thing. Instead, they created their own files, found the audience and then the agents and publishers came calling. 

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