Saturday, August 25, 2012

Got a Nook buy a Book

Here are some links to the collection of eBooks I have currently for sale on Smashwoords—books are available in other formats as well.


3x Heart Attack Survivor 14,710 words for $2.99 USD This book contains  my personal story. I share how mine felt and share how I work each day to prevent more heart attacks from occurring. Readers can learn how to prevent their own here as well.

Bipolar Patient’s Guide to Symptoms and Coping Price: $0.99 USD. 3090 words. Published on July 18, 2012. Nonfiction. 
I wrote this guide for newly diagnosed bipolar patients. I am not a doctor or therapist, but I am the wife of a patient. I have learned a lot about this illness and I want to share that knowledge. You are not alone; many people have this illness. I share coping tips, and I share where you can find treatments and support groups.

A best friend’s guide to Inflammatory Breast Cancer Price : $0.99 USD. 4610 words. Published on January 3, 2012. Nonfiction. 
This e-book is for friends who are watching helplessly while their best friend undergoes treatment for inflammatory breast cancer. I discuss the treatments your best friend will undergo and give you ideas on how to help them on this tough road.


Cheaters Never Prosper Price: $2.99 USD. 7150 words. Published on December 13, 2011.
When a spouse or someone you are dating cheats on you, first, you get mad and then most of us at least think about getting revenge. In these three short stories, women take that step and get their revenge. Revenge on a cheater comes in many forms.

Merry Christmas  Darling Price: $0.99 USD. 1740 words. Published on December 6, 2011. . 
Nurse Hollister strolls into work one night and sees the perfect opportunity for her long awaited revenge. The man, who broke her heart years ago, was a new patient in the ICU. Whatever is a girl to do? Why of course she does whatever comes naturally. This short story does contain mild adult situations.

In Plain Sight  Price: $0.99 USD. 2540 words. Published on November 20, 2011. . 
Elmer is a nursing home resident who has dementia and terrorizes the other patients on the floor. Elmer is reliving his younger days in his mind and goes hunting, in reality he is hunting on the nursing home floor.

Price: $0.99 USD. 4360 words. Published on November 19, 2011.  
Ralph is a con man who has spent his life taking whatever he wants. He is the type of man who takes justice into his own hands, no matter the costs. In the end it all catches up to him. His punishment by Saint Peter and God show they both have a sense of humor. This short story lets us see how karma comes around and bites us in the butt when we least expect it.

Paisley Series

The Gift Price: Free! 5710 words. Published on July 25, 2012. Fiction. 
Paisley and Joe are two old friends, who love each other deeply and have for decades. Her royal heritage forbids her from acting out any form of love with a mortal man. Readers will see she often breaks the rules when it suits her, because her heart leads her astray. In this edition of the paranormal romance series, they have a gift exchange straight from the heart.

Sacrifice Price: $0.99 USD. 4700 words. Published on July 25, 2012. Fiction. 
Paisley noticed Joe is not his usual self, what is she to do? Her herbs and poultices can only do so much to help. She spends time some time with a client named Sarah, while contemplating Joe’s condition. When she realizes the extent of his condition, she makes the ultimate sacrifice in order to cure him.

A Paisley Christmas Price: $0.99 USD. 4390 words. Published on December 26, 2011. Fiction. 
Its Christmas time and Paisley is headed home for the Yule festival. Her special friend awaits her, and truthfully, she is more excited about seeing him than she is her family. She is nervous that Joe might be mad at her for saving his life. Come and celebrate Yule in the Eternals with Princess Paisley and her family.

~~Goals do not happen as life does. You must work hard to make goals a reality!~~

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